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Juan Rodríguez



Photo part of the project Sahara: permanently shiny


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After finishing his studies in psychology, Juan became interested in documentary and street photography. It was in 2011 when, after participating in a workshop with Alex Webb and Rebecca Norris Webb, he changed his vision and began to enter this world and to get involved in numerous projects. Participant in PhotoEspaña Descubrimientos with his work "Una gran ciudad"; invited in 2015 for the Guild project within the Visura platform, that same year he received an honourable mention in the international Fotovisura competition, participating in GuatePhoto. His works have been published in various digital media; he is also part of the collective project "Contemporáneos" participating with them in several international group exhibitions. His work has been published in digital media such as: Trip Magazine, C41 Magazine, Clavoardiendo, Mutant Space, For Example, AYE Magazine, PhotoArt Magazine, Dodho Magazine, The Hidden Photo. He has also participated in screenings such as DOCField in 2015 and in the ninth edition of Slideluck Barcelona.


Forty-seven years ago, overnight, Spain abandoned Western Sahara, leaving the former Spanish citizens to their fate. The former Spanish province was immediately occupied by Morocco, forcing a large part of the Sahrawi people to leave their homes to live in refugee camps in neighbouring Algeria. With life on hold for almost fifty years and with the total passivity of the international community, the Saharawi people resist in the middle of nowhere with their dignity intact.

I had the good fortune to travel several times to the Sahrawi refugee camps with the project "Sahara Mágica" organised by the Asociación de Amigos del Pueblo Saharaui de Alcobendas (Association of Friends of the Sahrawi People of Alcobendas). This project is responsible for organising magic shows in the refugee camps to try, for a few days, to alleviate the harsh conditions in which the Saharawi people live.


During that time I was able to enjoy infinite generosity and hospitality. As infinite is the dignity of the Sahrawi people. These photographs are my small tribute to the Sahrawi people.

FULL GALLERY - Double click to see the images


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