Emanuele Gaudioso

Emanuele Gaudioso (1986) after finished his studies in languages and translation between Naples, Sofia and Moscow decides to explore the reality with the image. Once completed the diploma in photography at the University of Mass Media of Sofia he moves to London to study Documentary Photography and Photojournalism at the Westminster University. His long term projects regard social disadvantage, minorities and inequality. His focus goes also on pollution and how it affects small communities. He currently lives in Italy operating there and abroad.
Gates of Europe
Lesvos is the biggest Greek island close to Turkey. Since the so called "Migrants Crisis" began, the Greek government had to face the first stages of the emergency by its own. EASO, the European Asylum Support Office joint with Frontex operation came to support Greece. Called to support the local government the European agency helped to manage the asylum requests and Frontex to stop and rescue the boats heading the shores of the island instead. Moria camp soon became overcrowded as the number of people coming from the war zones via Turkey was too much to Handle. Doubled in its capacity Moria camp became the emergency in the emergency. Around the camp groups of migrant roam waiting for their asylum request to be processed, in some cases it can take even years. By that time, unless particular conditions or forced transfers, they cannot leave the island.
Documentary Photographer I @emanuelegaudioso I www.emanuelegaudioso.com I emanuelegaudioso@gmail.com